The week before Easter, referred to as Passion Week, is a week of reflection, reverence, and prayer. Each evening of that week, the congregation gathers to read out loud the story beginning with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and ending with the burial. There are no sermons, just reading and singing. On Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter, we celebrate the day that Jesus and his disciples dined together for the last time before his death (The Last Supper). The congregation comes to the table for communion during that nights’ readings. Good Friday is the day that the arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus Christ took place. Macedonia Moravian commemorates this day with a Good Friday Lovefeast. Saturday is Holy Saturday or the Great Sabbath. Jesus’ body lay in the tomb guarded by Soldiers on this the Jewish Sabbath or day of rest.
Easter Sunday is a celebration of the risen Savior, his resurrection and his triumph over death, sin and the power of evil. Macedonia’s 11 am service begins in the sanctuary with the sound of “The Lord is Risen” and the congregational response of “The Lord is Risen Indeed”. After a brief time in the sanctuary, the congregation will process to God’s acre, where the service concludes. During this part of the service, the band will play to accompany the singing. The service traditionally ends with the singing of “Sing Hallelujah Praise the Lord.”