Macedonia Moravian strives to follow Jesus’ command in Matthew 28: 19 – 20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. We support mission teams from our own congregation traveling to the U.S. and abroad. In recent years, this has included Jamaica, Mississippi, India, South Dakota, Nepal, and Alaska. Our pastor’s wife, Jamie, has served in Nepal teaching kindergarten through the Moravian church in Kathmandu.
Through helping to financially support eight full-time missionaries throughout the world, we are participating in sharing the love of Christ in many places. They are as follows:
Charlie and Vicki Brent and six children serve in campus ministry at Texas A & M University with Bridges International. The vision is that each of those students would experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and become a witness in the world.
Brenda and Michael Brent and 3 children serve the international staff of Campus Crusade in Croatia and Bosnia, providing leadership development, pastoral care, and Biblical teaching. They work toward the vision that everyone might know someone who truly walks with Jesus.
Compassionate Heart International (CHI) shares the Good News of Christ with Tibetans by building relationships through service opportunities and proclaiming the word. Spiritual, medical, and social needs are being met.
Phil and Ashley Sineath serve with Campus Outreach Global and focus on reaching, discipling, and deploying the next generation of gospel-centered, transformative, Kingdom leaders into the marketplace, vocational ministry, and the mission field.
Robert and Anne serve among the Mixtec People of Oaxaca, MX with the Mennonite Brethren Mission. They seek to plant indigenous churches that develop their own worship style. Anne teaches at the high school and both teach missiology at the YWAM School.
The Woos have been serving in Southeast Asia by empowering an unreached people group to start churches and do their own discipling. Michael and the children are in transition discerning their next ministry location since his wife’s recent passing.
Dan and Patty serve in Israel with Tikkun International sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) to Jewish people there. Seeing fruit from their ministry may take a long time, but God is faithful.
John and Susan Wilner serve in India with Wycliffe Bible translators. They spend many hours with Indian translation teams to translate the Scriptures into the appropriate dialect as accurately as possible.
On a regular basis, missionaries visit Macedonia and share updates from their ministries with the congregation.